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The Peace Fountain with St John the Divine Cathedral in the background

Conceived as a fountain, the Peace Fountain never had any water! The shortage of water, however, is more than compensated by a plethora of symbolic allegories. The whimsical sculptural composition features the sun, moon, crab, giraffes, Satan’s head, and the winged archangel.

St John the Divine Cathedral Artist-in-Residence Greg Wyatt sculpted the Peace Fountain in 1985 to mark the 200th anniversary of the Episcopal Diocese of New York. The 40-foot-high bronze sculpture celebrates the triumph of Good over Evil.

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The Peace Fountain – Moon facing west

Representing lightness and life, a joyous sun faces east, while a dozing moon reflects tranquility and looks west. The surrounding swirls are the movements of the cosmos. Beneath the sun, a lion and lamb relax together as a symbol of the peace in God’s Kingdom, as foretold by the prophet Isaiah.

A giant crab atop the pedestal speaks “of life’s origins in the sea and the struggle to survive.”

The double helix at the pedestal’s base is shaped like DNA – “the key molecule of life.”

Nine giraffes swirl around the sculpture; one of them rests its head on Archangel Michael’s chest. The plaque explains the choice of giraffes, describing them as the “most peaceable of animals,” but it fails to clarify why there are nine.

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The winged Archangel Michael with a sword in one hand and giraffe’s head in the other

The winged Archangel Michael, at the pinnacle of the sculpture, fights Evil with his powerful sword. Satan’s decapitated head, clearly representing Evil, is helplessly dangling beneath the crab’s claw.

Surrounding the monument is the Children’s Sculpture Garden – a collection of (120) bronze sculptures created by grade-school children. One can encounter famous icons, such as Einstein, Socrates, and Gandhi, as well as mythical beasts and demons. The sculptures illustrate the universal themes of Liberty, Freedom, and Peaceful Creativity.

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